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MeNAP CX catalysts

Highly effective industrial C-C / C-N cross-coupling catalysts

At Umicore PMC, we harness state-of-the-art catalysts such as MeNAP CX to revolutionize cross-coupling reactions. MeNAP, also known as Di(µ-bromo)bis(1-methylnaphthyl)dipalladium(II), acts as an exceptionally fast activating precatalyst, that works seamlessly with preferred ligands to enable very specific and selective coupling reactions

Key Features of the MeNAP CX Catalysts:

  • Specialized in executing challenging cross-coupling reactions like Suzuki-Miyaura couplings
  • Able to facilitate the formation of tetra-ortho-substituted biaryls at room temperature
  • Enables challenging reactions with low catalyst loading, enhancing efficiency
  • Offers flexibility by combining with various phosphine, NHC, or Buchwald ligands
  • Allows fine-tuning for individual reactions, expanding the range of accessible substrates
  • Enhances substrate scope by adapting to different ligands, broadening applicability

MeNAP Product Portfolio Overview

MeNAP product CX700

CAS no.: 2751616-98-3
Empirical formula: [Pd(α-MeNAP)Br]2

  • Synthesis of challenging tetra-ortho-substituted arenes
  • Use of arylchlorides
  • Up to quantitative yields achievable at rt
  • Low catalyst loading

MeNAP product CX701

CAS no.: 2751617-01-1
Empirical formula: Pd(α-MeNAP)(P(tBu)3)Br

MeNAP product CX721

CAS no.: 2751617-04-4
Empirical formula: [(IPr)Pd(α-MeNAP)Br]


Umicore CX724


Empirical formula: [(IPent)Pd(α-MeNAP)Br]


Umicore CX737


Empirical formula: Pd(α-MeNAP)(tBuBrettPhos)Br

MeNAP product CX741

CAS no.: 2751617-11-3
Empirical formula: Pd(α-MeNAP)(cataCXium® A)Br


Umicore CX742


Empirical formula: Pd(α-MeNAP)(PAd3)Br

MeNAP product CX750

CAS no.: 2751617-00-0
Empirical formula: [Pd(β-MeNAP)Br]2

  • Comparable performance and substrate scope as CX700 (Suzuki-Miyaura)
  • Outstanding performance in the monoarylation of ammonium triflate
  • Use in late-stage functionalization of substituted anilines

B. Xue, F. Papp, M. Yang, J. Shen, A. Doppiu, L. J Gooßen, ACS Catal., 2024, 14, 15, 11172–11177: Pd-Methylnaphthyl-tBuBrettPhos Complexes as Efficient and Selective Catalysts for the Monoarylation of Ammonia and Hydrazine

D. Sowa Prendes, F. Papp, N. Sankaran, N. Sivendran, F. Beyer, C. Merten, L. J. Gooßen, Angew. Chem. 2023, e202309868: Enantioselektive Synthese von Arylglycinen durch Pd-katalysierte Kupplung von Schöllkopf-Bislactimethern mit Arylchloriden

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202309868: Enantioselective Synthesis of Arylglycines via Pd-Catalyzed Coupling of Schöllkopf Bis-Lactim Ethers with Aryl Chlorides

Palladium-Catalyzed γ-Arylation of Acylketene Synthons with Aryl Chlorides Enabled by Ylide-Functionalized Phosphines (YPhos). - Manna, S., Papp, F., Hisata, Y., Löffler, J., Rybka, M., Gessner, V.H., Hoshimoto, Y. and Gooßen, L.J. - Adv. Synth. Catal. 2024 

Enantioselective Synthesis of Arylglycines via Pd-Catalyzed Coupling of Schöllkopf Bis-Lactim Ethers with Aryl Chlorides. - D. Sowa Prendes, F. Papp, N. Sankaran, N. Sivendran, F. Beyer, C. Merten, L. J. Gooßen - Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202309868.  

Selective Monoarylation of Ammonium Triflate with Aryl Chlorides Catalyzed by [Pd(β-MeNAP)Br]2 and AdBrettPhos - B. Xue, J. Shen, S. Manna, A. Doppiu, L. J. Goossen - Adv. Synth. Catal. 2023, 365, 20, 3473-3477.  

Halogen-bridged Methylnaphthyl Palladium Dimers as Versatile Catalyst Precursors in Coupling Reactions - N. Sivendran, N. Pirkl, Z. Hu, A. Doppiu, L. J. Gooßen - Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 68, 25151-25160.  

  • MeNAP catalysts | flyer download

    Highly effective industrial C-C / C-N cross-coupling catalysts

Let's explore how MeNAP CX catalysts, paired with our problem-solving approach, can create a new narrative of success in catalysis.