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ORCS 27th Conference

San Diego, United States

The Organic Reactions Catalysis Society seeks to advance practical applications of catalysis for making organic compounds by fostering discussions, providing opportunities for members to present their work, and facilitating dissemination of scientific knowledge.

ORCS 27th Conference Topics: 

  • Catalysis for biomass oxidation
  • Electrocatalysis and photocatalysis
  • Catalysis of polymers for medical applications
  • Catalysis for specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals
  • Catalysis to enable production of chemicals from sustainable sources
  • Advances in sustainable and base metal catalysis
  • Catalyst characterization and study of reaction and deactivation pathways


 For more information, please click here.

ORCS 27th Conference

Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, Mission Blvd, 3999, 92109, San Diego, United States