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Dinard, France


The Group of Studies in Organic Chemistry (GECO) created in 1959 under the leadership of Professor Guy Ourisson, former president of the Academy of Sciences, is the equivalent of the prestigious American Gordon Research Conferences. This annual congress has become an institution that holds an exceptional and special moment of the year for the organic chemistry research community. This symposium in which the French expression is favored has an international dimension.

Each year, the GECO gathers about 100 chemists (academics and industrialists, French and foreign) around a dozen speakers from the world's most prestigious universities. In parallel with these intense scientific exchanges, a fundamental principle of the GECO is to reserve a wide space for external activities, which make it possible to establish contacts often at the origin of future collaborations between the participants.

The themes covered during the CEOs combine basic research and its applications in response to societal challenges (health, nutrition, energy, environment). They include the synthesis of natural molecules, catalysis, the study of new chemical reactions and the development of new technological approaches, the study of new modes of interaction on the molecular and supramolecular scales, and the application of Organic chemistry to biology, to the development of new materials and to energy. The concept of sustainable development is also a constant of the work that is presented.

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Manoir de la Vicomté, Avenue Georges Pian, 6, 35800, Dinard, France